aka The Dogfather, Apeman Mudgeon...
Adrian Mitchell
" In January 2008 Pamela and I filmed him reading several poems for our DVD-anthology IN PERSON, which came out from Bloodaxe this year. Do seek that out if you want to see and hear more of Adrian. Here we offer a film sequence with him reading three poems from that set: first 'Telephone', a short poem written on hearing of the death of his and Celia's beloved adopted goddaughter, Boty Goodwin. Then 'Especially When It Snows', his elegy for Boty, which always makes me cry and certainly made me tearful when compiling this tribute video. And finally 'Death Is Smaller Than I Thought', a poem on the deaths of his mother and father, which is a new poem from what will now sadly be his final book, TELL ME LIES, to be published by Bloodaxe in 2009. I will post a second video of him reading the title-poem of the new book:
If you want to see his film in High Definition, go to the Bloodaxe Facebook page: